Mobility Scooter batteries
A mobility scooter is a necessity for some. When the range starts to decrease, it’s time to replace the batteries. Even if it’s just for peace of mind, so you don’t get stuck. We understand that. We have all types of batteries for you. If you don’t see the block you need, please contact us. We can always provide the right mobility scooter battery for you. Contact us at, chat through the website or call us: 085-401 92 30.
The standard solution for batteries in electric scooters are lead-acid batteries. We provide the best lead-acid batteries at the sharpest prices, all from stock. The lead-acid batteries that are most suitable for use in electric scooters are the cyclical AGM batteries from shop4power. These cyclical AGM batteries are specially manufactured to be frequently charged and discharged. Often, scooter suppliers recommend GEL batteries, however, although the GEL battery is the most suitable battery for applications where it is deeply discharged, it is certainly not the best battery for the electric scooter. A battery in an electric scooter is protected against deep discharge by the controller. If you ride the scooter completely "empty" then the battery is not empty, but the controller switches off to protect your battery. In reality, the batteries of your electric scooter are still charged at about 9.9 volts. Deeper discharge is harmful to batteries. Therefore, we also advise you never to leave your scooter "empty". Because lead batteries are subject to slight self-discharge, they will slowly drop below the critical level if they are already "empty". So always charge your scooter after riding. For the same reason, it is wise to charge your batteries at least every 2 months if you do not ride your scooter for a longer period of time.