This Battery charger Lithium 24Volts 8Amps is especially suited for charging lithium batteries.
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This charger can be used for various applications and is suitable as scootmobiel charger.
There are several methods for charging acid batteries, however the best method is constant voltage charging. For this type of charging a charger with a fixed voltage is used for charging the lead/acid battery. Extra attention should be given to the exact charging voltage and the initial charging voltage.
The charger is equipped with a 3-pin XLR male connector
Explanation of battery voltages and cell structure. |
Even if it is confusing, we use a lot of different voltages when talking about batteries. Here are a few voltages that you, as a user, will come in contact with. | ||||||||||||||||
The nominal voltage (NomU): |
The nominal voltage is the voltage that will be mentioned everywere. You buy a 12V lead/acid battery or a 48V Lithium battey. Oddly enough this | ||||||||||||||||
nominal voltage is not being used anywere else. It is a voltage that you use to determine what battery you need. | ||||||||||||||||
Of you are looking for a 60V lead/acid solution that you need 5 pcs of 12V batteries. | ||||||||||||||||
Minimal voltage (MinU): |
The minimal battery voltage is the voltage below which the battery will be damaged. With a lead/acid battery this is appr. 9,9V but this voltage also depends on many | ||||||||||||||||
other factors, for example discharge speed. It is therefore important not to discharge the battery below the minimum battery voltage. | ||||||||||||||||
Luckily the controllers normaly make sure that the discharge stops before you reach this voltage. So when for example a scooter stops, this does not mean that the | ||||||||||||||||
battery is depleted but it is being protected against damage. | ||||||||||||||||
The max.charge voltage (MaxU): |
Depending on the battery type and the compsition, the battery needs to be charged with a mamimum charge voltage. This voltage varries almost | ||||||||||||||||
with every battery. Cyclic lead/acid batteries have a certain charge voltage, the lead/GEL batteries have a different charge voltage. | ||||||||||||||||
Number of cells in series (S): |
A lithium battery consists of a string of (serial connected) of some kind of AA batteries. By connecting the batteries in series, the manufacturer can | ||||||||||||||||
reach the voltage he needs. This value is called S. | ||||||||||||||||
With the Lithium batteries there are even more differences, see below: | ||||||||||||||||
Lithium is mixed with several other materials to achieve certain characteristics | ||||||||||||||||
NomU | Battery type | S | MaxU | |||||||||||||
12 | LFP4 | 4 | 14,6 | |||||||||||||
12 | LiPo/Ion | 4 | 16,8 | |||||||||||||
12 | Lead/acid | 6 | 14,9 | |||||||||||||
24 | LFP4 | 7 | 25,6 | |||||||||||||
24 | LFP4 | 8 | 29,2 | |||||||||||||
24 | LiPo/Ion | 7 | 29,4 | |||||||||||||
24 | Lead/acid | 12 | 29,4 | |||||||||||||
24 | Lood/GEL | 12 | 28,9 | |||||||||||||
30 | LiPo/Ion | 8 | 33,6 | |||||||||||||
33 | LiPo/Ion | 9 | 37,8 | |||||||||||||
36 | LFP4 | 12 | 43,8 | |||||||||||||
36 | LiPo/Ion | 10 | 42 | |||||||||||||
36 | Lead/acid | 18 | 44,1 | |||||||||||||
40 | LiPo/Ion | 11 | 46,2 | |||||||||||||
48 | LFP4 | 15 | 54,8 | |||||||||||||
48 | LFP4 | 16 | 58,4 | |||||||||||||
48 | LiPo/Ion | 13 | 54,6 | |||||||||||||
48 | LiPo/Ion | 14 | 58,8 | |||||||||||||
48 | Lead/acid | 24 | 58,8 | |||||||||||||
48 | Lead/GEL | 24 | 57,8 | |||||||||||||
60 | LFP4 | 20 | 73 | |||||||||||||
60 | LiPo/Ion | 16 | 67,2 | |||||||||||||
60 | LiPo/Ion | 17 | 71,4 | |||||||||||||
60 | Lead/acid | 30 | 73,5 | |||||||||||||
60 | Lead/GEL | 30 | 72,3 | |||||||||||||
72 | LFP4 | 24 | 87,6 | |||||||||||||
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